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  • 发布时间:2014-3-3
  • 点击:929
  • 作者: admin

1.Experienced with mechanical drawing and extrusion die design. 
2.Secondly ,with the common materials of HDPE and PEEK, the variety conditions of temperature field and the pressure field of melt in the pipe runner are simulated , and the effect rules of velocity and quality of melt and the key geometry parameters of the die runner are confirmed under different geometry parameters and boundary conditions. 
在此基础上修正调整了模具设计参数与流道不同的入口参数条件,确定了实验条件下合理的模具几何条件。 最后,依模拟条件设计加工了挤出模具并对HDPE进行了试验,由所得实验数据进一步分析了物料种类、流道成型段长度、机头温度对挤出产量、机头压力和挤出胀大的影响。 
3.Through digesting and absorbing the technology of imported dies, and basing on our designing and production practice, the experience of designing and making of twin-screw extruder die for the extruding of special shaped profile was introduced in this paper.
本文通过对引进挤出模具的消化吸收,结合自己的设计、生产实践,介绍了挤出PVC异型材用双螺杆挤塑机机头模具的设计和制造经验。4.DESIGN OF THE DIE LIP-LENGTH FOR PLASTIC PLATE EXTRUSION
5.Through constructs based on the Internet technology comprehensive information platform,based on ERP system and based on the parallel project CAD/CAE/CAM system intellectualized local area network,analyzes CAD/CAE/CAM/ERP in to intrusion mold development,the design and the manufacture application.
6.According to the current manufacturing situation of plastic profile extrusion die enterprises and the developing trend of CAPP system, a computer aided process planning system for the process design of plastic profile extrusion die was developed by using hybrid CAPP system, in which there are different decision-making functions of search, variant and generative.
7.This paper deals with the mould structure and empirical formulas for calculating die parameters, finalized design and pattern—rolling devices of PS fluorescent lamp-shade.  
8.Study on Numerical Analysis of Plastic Extrusion Flow and Design Optimization of Extrusion Die  
9.The Design of Twin-Screw Extruder Die for Special-shaped Profile  


名 称:昆山鼎联电子科技有限公司

电 话: 0512-55108928

手 机: 13205159191

传 真: 0512-55108926

地 址: 中国江苏昆山市周市镇萧林东路132号(原新浦路)

主 页: http://www.cndaoju.cn


版权所有:昆山鼎联电子科技有限公司 电话:0512-55108928 传真:0512-55108926 邮箱:ks.dinglian@163.com 地址:中国江苏昆山市周市镇萧林东路132号(原新浦路)
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